jquery not working after server migration

jquery not working after server migration

I'm a skillful neophyte on everything I do. specially on Javascript. lately I thought that will give it a try, to migrate an HTML website of mine (which I did not made, since I have no idea how) to a new Godaddy server. 
to my surprise it did worked! however the pics and the jquery scripts are not working (jquery.scrollsnap.js) 

here's the original website located at hostgator, which is working properly. www.whywedo.fi

the Godaddy's version you don't see the images scrolling, only the white text at the left. 

I look to the files permissions in the new host and they all seem ok, I also think that is not related to paths, my intuition tells me that is more about something I should be installing.. rather than just copying.?

I'm previewing the site using the domain preview option at Gdaddy's cpanel, unfortunately, I don't know how to share this not working website with you guys. 

