jQuery("<object/>").get(0) is not a DOM Element in FF, but is in Safari. Is this a bug?

jQuery("<object/>").get(0) is not a DOM Element in FF, but is in Safari. Is this a bug?

According to FireBug, FireFox thinks objects and embeds are functions.
typeof(jQuery("<object/>").get(0)); // Returns "function()" in FF,
but "object" in Safari
The same is true if you select an Object Element that is already in
the DOM:
typeof(jQuery("object").get(0)); // Returns "function()" in FF, but
"object" in Safari
And is also true of Embed Elements.
It seems to me .get(0) should return the DOM Element, which happens in
Safari. Is this a bug in FF or jQuery? Should I file it? It's making
working with Quicktime difficult!