[jQuery] php mysql

[jQuery] php mysql

I would like to learn how to do some crud queries using jquery,
however, no matter how hard I search I can't seem to find what I'm
looking for.
I want a page to display records from a database. Each row would have
an update and delete button. there would also be an add new record
I think it would be grovey to pop up the form for update and add
records in a modular window...
here is the tricky part.
1. If add or deleting record, how do I go about this. Ie.. I need to
query the database, then add or subract a row (probably with the usual
jquery animation finesse. I Know this is how I do it, however, how do
I write it? how would I track errrors if for example the php query
throws an error (not just a javascript error).
2. The records also have to updated when the update button gets