jquery - php - mysql update record

jquery - php - mysql update record

Hello !!!
 i would like to ask you something.
I create an administration panel for a webpage i made.
I the options i have a page that list in a table the menu items of the visitor page (home , articles, contact ...).
In that table i have an image that clicking on it you can enable or disable the menuitem , to make it visible or invisible for the visitors.
I have a table with a cell named "visible" and values "0" for invisible and "1" for invisible
When you click the image the page refresh and make the update on the db.

Now what i want to do is to make the update on the db with jquery without refreshing the page.
I see some similar things on the net calling a php file tha has the update query but i don't know a lot of javascript.

Can anybody help me to create that function ?