Jquery popup on IE

Jquery popup on IE

I have a strange issue with jquery, I'm using jquery to hide some
results on page load.
1. I have a jsp page whihc displays 10 records under <ul> </ul> tag
2. In Jquery, I'm hiding 5 results and replace with more.. toggle
hyper link, once the user clicks on more link, then remaining records
will be displayed with less hyper link to toggle(hide 5 records)
3. This works perfectly fine. The issue is, when hide code executes,
it is hiding other html tags also, for instance, I have a hyper link
in first five records, when user clicks on that link, tyen it should
popup div tag. this is not working in IE(when I hide first five
records) but this works fine in all other browser.
here is my JQuery script
(function($) {
    $.fn.collapsorz = function(options) {
        // default settings
        var defaults = {
            toggle: "> *", // elements inside the object to toggle
            minimum: 4, // number to show in collapsed form
            showText: "More...", // text for the expand link
            hideText: "Less...", // text for the collapse link
            linkLocation: "after", // use "after" or "before" to determine
where link displays
            defaultState: "collapsed", // use "collapsed" or "expanded" to show
or hide items by default
            wrapLink: '' // specify HTML code to wrap around the link
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var toggleSize = $(options.toggle, this).length;
var optMin = options.minimum;
//Well, I don't know why the toogleSize is different for
//browsers(belowe code is easy fix, decrement the toggle size
for mozilla and other, it's hack but it works fine)
toggleSize = toggleSize - 1;
optMin = optMin + 2 ;
// only execute if there are more than minimum items
if(toggleSize > optMin) {
// setup variables
    var $obj = $(this);
    var $targets = $(options.toggle, this);
// hide the items if necessary
    if(options.defaultState == "collapsed")
// append/prepend the toggle link to the object
                var $toggler = $('<a href="#" class="toggler"></a>');
                if(options.linkLocation == "before") {
                else {
                if(options.wrapLink) {
    // set data, link class, and link text
                if(options.defaultState == "expanded")
                    $obj.data("status", "expanded");
                    $obj.data("status", "collapsed");
    // click actions
                $toggler.click(function() {
                    if($obj.data("status") == "collapsed") {
                        $obj.data("status", "expanded");
                    else if($obj.data("status") == "expanded") {
                        $obj.data("status", "collapsed");
                    return false;