jQuery require and script loaders

jQuery require and script loaders

I heard about the jQuery require that is shown as part of this
I work on Dojo's module loader, and have a new standalone (no other
library dependency) script loader here:
The goal is to keep RunJS compatible with the goals of CommonJS
(avoiding globals mainly) but still allow for a module syntax that
works well natively in the browser. It does not use XHR calls, just
script tags. Works before page load and after page load.
It also handles loading regular scripts that are not coded as modules:
run(["some/script.js", "another/script.js"], function() {
//This callback is fired when both scripts load
For scripts that do follow the module syntax and have dependencies, it
properly traces the module dependencies and calls the module
definition functions in the correct order.
It would be ideal if more of the JS libraries started to standardize
on a script loader. I am happy to work out changes to RunJS if jQuery
might find it useful to use. For instance, the entry point does not
have to be called run(), I am considering switching to script() since
it handles general script loading and callbacks when scripts are
It also might be good to pull out a script loader from the core jQuery
library, if only to keep the separation of concerns easier to track.
RunJS has plugins for i18n string bundle loading, and also can load
text files (like HTML snippets) via async xhr, then inline those text
files as part of a build process.
But I may be misunderstanding the scope of jQuery's require. In any
case, I just wanted to see if there was some common interest and if we
might be able to coordinate our efforts.
Thanks for your time,
James Burke