JQuery Script not working in IE or FireFox

JQuery Script not working in IE or FireFox

I am using the following code to append meta content to product pages when a customer clicks to login. It works great in Safari and Chrome but not in IE, Edge, or Firefox. If I add the meta content to the page directly then it works but redirects the customer before they click the log in button. 
Here is a link to a page where it is running:  https://arkaiosfresh.com/products/pineapple-concentrate . Any corrections would be greatly appreciated. As a point of reference; I have nothing more then very basic understanding of JQuery and have adapted this from code I found online. 

<button type="click" name="add" id="login" class="btn btn--medium btn--auto">
                  <a class="login" style="color:white">Log in/Register to view the Supplier List</a>
{% endunless %}

                    $('head').append('<meta content="0; url=/account/login?checkout_url={{ canonical_url }}" http-equiv="refresh" />');