[jQuery] select .change event not firing on up/down arrow press

[jQuery] select .change event not firing on up/down arrow press

Hi, wondering if anyone knows why this might be happening:
I've attached a .change event to a set of <select> boxes:
$('#ml_cartItems select[@id^=qty_]').change(function() {
var productID = this.id.split('_')[1];
MLStore.changeItemQty( productID, $(this).val() );
The change event fires fine when the user changes the select box using
the mouse, but not when the keyboard up/down arrow keys are used. Know why?
Related question.... the MLStore.changeItemQty() function makes an ajax
call. I don't want a user tooling up and down the select box, causing it
to fire a slew of ajax calls. Any advice on how to handle that
situation? I don't want to use blur, because I want the (eventual) ajax
call to be fired just by changing the select box. I figure I can use a
setTimeout or setInterval, but not sure what the most elegant way would be.