jQuery slidedown menu not closing correctly

jQuery slidedown menu not closing correctly


I am building a site and am using a full overlay navigation and some jQuery. It works pretty good, however I have one problem. When you close the menu, it seems as if the mask (the grey background) disappears quicker than the text, making it look weird. Any ideas?

I'm guessing that is has something to do with .slideUp()/.slideDown() operation. But not completely sure, and not sure what to edit. 

The navgation was originally taken from https://github.com/adtile/fixed-nav . The js is unchanged, just the CSS has been modified. 

To reenact the issue: click the + in the top right corner of the page. Then close it by clicking the x again. The site is here: http://500stockholm.se/500stockholm/

Thank you very much for your help.