[jQuery] SOT: jQuery Discussion List & Cloudmark Desktop Spam Filter...

[jQuery] SOT: jQuery Discussion List & Cloudmark Desktop Spam Filter...

Ever since this list moved to Google Groups, my Spam filter (Cloudmark
Desktop) has been moving tons of discussion e-mail to the spam filter
I've got the jquery-en@googlegroups.com set up as a whitelist, but due to
changes in the delivery headers, the Cloudmark sees each message as coming
from the sender.
Unfortunately, there's no way to filter e-mail sent "to" a specific e-mail
address--which has never been a problem before. I'm hoping I can eventually
train it to stop moving jQuery mail, but I get hundreds and hundreds of spam
e-mail each day, so I need something that doesn't bog me down.
Does anyone know of:
1) A way to get Cloudmark to stop treating jQuery mail as spam?
2) A good Windows-based Spam filter--preferably free. The one thing I've
liked about Cloudmark is it generally does a good job w/zero maintenance