Jquery sticky navigation stopping front end images from displaying in Joomla

Jquery sticky navigation stopping front end images from displaying in Joomla


I have tried several forums regarding this issue, including joomla's but no one seems to have an answer. Here is my problem. I have a Joomla site with some custom Jquery which sticks the navigation to the top of the screen and keeps it there when I scroll down the screen. This script originally reduced the logo and navigation as I scrolled down the site, however I changed the script to remain a static size as I scrolled, now it is conflicting with all my images on the front end of my site and stopping them from displaying.

I have re-loaded the original un-edited Jquery script to my sever but the images are still missing. If I scroll over them they are there as my cursor will change but they will not display.

Here is my website url: countryspanishrentals.com

Here is the original code:
  1. // Sticky Navigation
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        if (jQuery().sticky) {
                topSpacing: 0,

    function getCurrentScroll() {
        return window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;

    // Nicescroll
    /*jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    // Waypoints
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        //if present, set slideshow height first
        if (jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').length > 0) {
            jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').css('height',34/100*(jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').width())+2);
            jQuery( window ).resize(function() {
                jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').css('height',34/100*(jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').width())+2);

        //set waypoints
        if (addon_animations_enable)
            if (jQuery().waypoint) {
                jQuery('.appear').waypoint(function () {
                    var t = jQuery(this);
                    if (jQuery(window).width() < 767) {
                        t.toggleClass(jQuery(this).data("animated") + " animated").removeClass('appear');
                    } else {
                        t.delay(jQuery(this).data("start")).queue(function () {
                            t.toggleClass(jQuery(this).data("animated") + " animated").removeClass('appear');
                }, {
                    offset: '85%',
                    triggerOnce: true,

    // Parallax scrolling effect
        var jQueryscrollTop;
        /*var jQueryheaderheight;
        var jQuerycameracaptiontop;
        jQueryheaderheight = jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').height();
        jQuerycameracaptiontop = parseInt(jQuery('.camera_caption').css('top'));*/
            var jQueryiw = jQuery('body').innerWidth();
            jQueryscrollTop = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
            minheight = 110-(jQueryscrollTop/4);
            if (minheight > 52) {
                jQuery('.navigation').css({'min-height' : minheight +'px'});
                jQuery('.t3-mainnav').css({'top' : 30-(jQueryscrollTop/8) +'px'});
                jQuery('.logo-img').css({'width': 169 - (jQueryscrollTop/3.5) +'px'});
            else {
                jQuery('.navigation').css({'min-height' : '52px'});
                jQuery('.t3-mainnav').css({'top' : 0});
                jQuery('.logo-img').css({'width': '100px'});
            /*if (jQuerycameracaptiontop) {
                jQuery('.camera_wrap').css({'height': ((- jQueryscrollTop / 2)+ jQueryheaderheight) + 'px' });
                jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').css({'height': (parseInt(jQuery('.camera_wrap').css('height'))+2)  + 'px' })
                jQuery('.camera_caption').css({'top': jQueryscrollTop/3 + jQuerycameracaptiontop + 'px' });

Here is the edited code with the Parallax scrolling effect removed which stops the images from displaying:

  1. // Sticky Navigation
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        if (jQuery().sticky) {
                topSpacing: 0,

    function getCurrentScroll() {
        return window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;

    // Nicescroll
    /*jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    // Waypoints
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        //if present, set slideshow height first
        if (jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').length > 0) {
            jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').css('height',34/100*(jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').width())+2);
            jQuery( window ).resize(function() {
                jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').css('height',34/100*(jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').width())+2);

        //set waypoints
        if (addon_animations_enable)
            if (jQuery().waypoint) {
                jQuery('.appear').waypoint(function () {
                    var t = jQuery(this);
                    if (jQuery(window).width() < 767) {
                        t.toggleClass(jQuery(this).data("animated") + " animated").removeClass('appear');
                    } else {
                        t.delay(jQuery(this).data("start")).queue(function () {
                            t.toggleClass(jQuery(this).data("animated") + " animated").removeClass('appear');
                }, {
                    offset: '85%',
                    triggerOnce: true,

If I comment out the section of code below then it enables my top slider image to display. However, I cannot get the images on the rest of my page to do the same:

  1. // Waypoints
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        //if present, set slideshow height first
        if (jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').length > 0) {
            jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').css('height',34/100*(jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').width())+2);
            jQuery( window ).resize(function() {
                jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').css('height',34/100*(jQuery('.home .t3-sl-1').width())+2);