jQuery.submit.js not fully working on dropdown select

jQuery.submit.js not fully working on dropdown select

Well i hope someone could help me with this.
I have some select dropdown boxes in a form they are looking like this:

  1. <select name="swap" data-placeholder="swap" class="form-control alertbox">
  2.              <option></option>
  3.               <option value="1">Yes</option>
  4.                <option value="9">No</option>
  5. </select>
  6. <select name="repair" data-placeholder="repair" class="form-control alertbox">
  7.              <option></option>
  8.               <option value="1">Yes</option>
  9.                <option value="9">No</option>
  10. </select>

now i have insert a jQuery plugin so when you click on "No" some sort of alert box popups onto the screen asking me if i am sure where i can click yes or no.

  1. $(document).ready(function(e) {
  2.     $('.alertbox').change(function(e) {
  3.         var selvalue=$(this).val();
  4.         if(selvalue == 9){
  5.             $.confirm({
  6.                 title:"Opgelet",
  7.                 text:"U staat op het punt om een status terug naar NEE te plaatsen! Bent u dit zeker",
  8.                 confirm: function(button) {
  9.                 },
  10.                 cancel: function(button) {                                       
  11.                 },
  12.                 confirmButton: "Ja",
  13.                 cancelButton: "Nee"
  14.             });
  15.         };
  16.     });
  17. });

But if i click "No" the value "No" stays selected in the select box. What i would like is when i click no that it falls back to the empty option <option></option>

Who could help me out. Keep in mind that it has to reset in its own select