jquery.support --> requesting different "feature support" items

jquery.support --> requesting different "feature support" items

i just wanted to create a topic for any "feature support" items that could be used for the jquery.support.*

There's currently a bunch 1 on this page: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.support/
I'll list mine as well as the others I see on that page.

1) CSS3 features
2) (Mine) For "IntrAnet" programming, it's often useful to be able to link to the common file share. \\server\share\folder\item.txt. Now, IE would let you enter this in any format, while firefox (if feature is turned on) wants you to enter it in the format of file:///server/share, and chrome uses the format file://server/share. (IE: Any format, FireFox: 3 slashes, Chrome: 2 slashes). I'd like there to be a browser support that would help indicate how the current browser accepts formatting for the "file:" object.