function searchCallback(data) {
var content_data = data.content_data.records;
jQuery.each(content_data, function(index, content_dat) { jQuery("#tabs ul").append('<li><a href="#tabs-'+
content_dat[0]+'">' + content_dat[2] + '</a></li>'); jQuery("#tabs ul").after("<div id='tabs-"+
content_dat[0]+"'>"+content_dat[1]+"</div>"); }); }; </script> <div id="tabs"><ul></ul> </div>
The div id="tabs" becomes div id="tabs" class="ui-tabs ui-corner-all ui-widget ui-widget-content" just like it is supposed to...
and the ul becomes ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-corner-all ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header" role="tablist" just like it is supposed to...
but the li remains li and does not pick up the class it is supposed to...
I am thinking this may have something to do with the way Jquery is appending to the #tabs ul so the li is not available for transforming, but I am not sure...