[jQuery] tabs, ajax mode, spinner not removed

[jQuery] tabs, ajax mode, spinner not removed

jquery 1.3.1, UI.Tabs 1.6rc6, FF3.0.6
Whenever any tabs load the spinner img will remain visible. I'm using
the following for the spinner option for tabs (I've removed everything
else with the same result)
spinner: '<img src="/css/images/misc/spinner.gif" />'
The default "loading ..." does change back to the label text.
I see that the img should be removed in cleanup(). I can't see any
reason for it to be failing.
var cleanup = function() {
            .each(function() {
                if (o.spinner)
    self.xhr = null;
Taking the 1st tab as an example and using Firebug, when loading has
completed, the LI has the following classes:
ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active
The anchor has an empty class attribute and the contents are the IMG
wrapped in an EM.
There are no errors occurring. Anyone else see this?