JQuery Tabs error in IE

JQuery Tabs error in IE

[Note: See issue #2 at bottom for jquery-dev relevance]
I have been getting a 'object does not support this method' error on IE7 when the jquery-ui is trying to initialize a tabbed pane (using jquery 1.3.2, jquery-ui-1.7.1)
I finally narrowed down the problem to line 5470 in jquery-ui-1.7.1:
          o.disabled = $.unique(o.disabled.concat(
                    function(n, i) { return self.lis.index(n); } )
The problem is being caused because o.disabled returns "false", which makes the $.unique() function return false ($.unique is supposed to only take arrays), and of course the sort() mtehod fails on the string "false".
For the same code, it returns [] (empty array) in FF and I do not set a disabled option/ attribute on my tabbed pane.
After much more hair-pulling and browsing, I discovered that when debugging the ie js, my element (this.element[0]) shows as having
83 attributes! and this.element[0].attribute['disabled'] is indeed
false). Meanwhile, in FF, my element shows only the two attributes that
I provided in my HTML (class, and id).
Because I dynamically set the options which I pass to the tabs() method, by iterating through the element.attribtues collection, IE mixes up actual DOM element attributes and properties and
add all default element properties to the attributes collection (including disbaled="false"). Thus my options object contains 83+ 'properties' including disabled = false. 
There are two issues here:
1) The jquery-ui code should probably check to make sure that o.diable is an array before passing it to the $.unique() function.
2) It doesn't seem that jquery has a cross-browser standard way of getting just the proper DOM element attributes (like protoype's readAttribute() writeAttribute() methods). It probably should for just this reason
- Eric