Jquery tooltip plugin is detecting hover event only for 1st row in datatable

Jquery tooltip plugin is detecting hover event only for 1st row in datatable

I'm using Tooltipster Plugin to create a tooltip everytime i hover over a <td> element in a datatable. To do so, i have looped over each row in the datatable and then selected the <td> element using childnode, and applied the .tooltipster() function. However, the tooltip works only for the 1st row <td> element. Any idea how to get it working for all rows ?

  1.      $('#mytable tbody tr').each(function(){
  2.          //childNode[7] is the <td> element on which i want the tooltip
  3.          $(this.childNodes[7]).tooltipster({    
  4.                 animation: 'fade',
  5.                 delay: 200,
  6.                 theme: 'tooltipster-punk',
  7.                 trigger: 'hover',
  8.                 interactive: 'true',
  9.                 functionBefore : function drawChart() {
  10.       // This isnt needed to understand the problem so i have not pasted the code
  11.     }

  12.     });
  13.     });

 Table data

  1.      <td class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="#chart_div"  style="padding-left:40px" id="storage" >
  2.             <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/images/database.png")" />   
  3.      </td>