Jquery Touchstart & Click Question

Jquery Touchstart & Click Question

Hi all

I have two functions below. One detects of the user has "clicked" a menu item and one is if a user "touches" the menu item.

The "click" function is working perfectly.  The "touch" version doesn't show or hide my html.  I can alert() the ID in the touch event so I know im capturing the "touch" but the hiding/showing of content simply does not work.

Any thoughts as they are the same function in all essence? Its got me stumped.

  1.         // click the link
        $('body').on('mouseenter', '[id^="showmenu_"]', function(e){
            var itemid   = this.id.split("_")[1];
            $("#dynamic-submenu ul:not(#models_"+itemid).hide();
        // touch the link
        $('body').on('touchstart', '[id^="showmenu_"]', function(e){
            var itemid   = this.id.split("_")[1];
            $("#dynamic-submenu ul:not(#models_"+itemid).hide();