jQuery UI 1.7.2 - Opera(9.63) issue with Form submitting through a dialog .

jQuery UI 1.7.2 - Opera(9.63) issue with Form submitting through a dialog .

We are using jQuery 1.3.2 and jQuery UI 1.7.2 in our project.
Everything was working perfect till we were using jQuery UI 1.7.1.
Then we upgraded to jQuery UI 1.7.2, but it is causing a trouble in
Opera (9.63).
The issue is as follows :- There is a jQuery UI dialog with a textarea
and a submit button which posts the data in "textarea" to the server.
Before opening the dialog the value of textarea is set to blank. Also
I am using Modal:true to get the overlay.
Now when I open the dialog for the 1st time, enter some data in
textarea and click submit, it posts the data to server.Then I close
the dialog, and reopen it, again enter some text in the text area and
submit again. This time it is posting empty data (or whatever value
was set for the "textarea" before openeing the dialog.)
The issue is only in Opera and rest browsers are working fine. Even
opera works fine if i set modal as false, or if i use jQuery UI 1.7.1.
I have written a sample program to demonstrate this issue.
<link type="text/css" href="jquery.custom.ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi?
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");
google.load("jqueryui", "1.7.2");
//Attach a hidden dialog to body.
function initDialog()
var innerDiv = $("<div>");
$(innerDiv).attr({'id' : 'testDialog'});
var textBox = $("<textarea>");
$(textBox).attr({'id' : 'testBox', 'rows' : '2'});
$('#testDialog').css('visibility', 'hidden');
autoOpen : false,
width : 500,
modal : true,
title : 'Enter text and click Alert',
buttons :
     "Alert" : function() {
//Show the hidden dialog.
function showDialog()
$('#testDialog').css('visibility', 'visible');
window.onload = function() {

Open this page in FF.
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id='mylink'>Click here </a> and
enter some text in box and click "Alert".
Now close the dialog and repeat above.
It behaves as expected.
Now repeat the same in Opera.
The second time it will show empty alert.
This issue comes only in jQuery UI version to 1.7.2.
If you change in the code above, the jQuery UI version to
1.7.1, it will work fine.
Even in jQuery UI version to 1.7.2, if you make modal=false,
it will work as expected.
