jQuery UI Menubar and anchors with a target attribute

jQuery UI Menubar and anchors with a target attribute

I did a search for "menubar target" and nothing came up.

Is anybody else having problems with using the jQuery UI Menubar with anchors that have a target attribute?

This is what I basically have for the HTML:
  1. <ul id="menubar">
  2.   <li>Stuff
  3.     <ul>
  4.       <li><a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a></li>
  5.     </ul>
  6.   </li>
  7. </ul>
And for the JS:
  1. $("#menubar").menubar();
The expected behavior is for the anchor to open the google.com page only in a new tab, and to leave the current tab alone.

What actually happens when I click on the Google item is the google.com page opens in a new tab AND in the current tab.

I am using jQuery UI 1.11.4 with jQuery 1.11.3.

jsFiddle showing the problem: https://jsfiddle.net/mherbold/xxzbuy13/