Jquery ui Sortable clone items with data

Jquery ui Sortable clone items with data

I am using draggable with connectToSortable. When I clone the sortable items data is not cloned .I need to copy the data from target to source on receive event.

Is this a bug are this is the way sortable works?
And also $(this).data().uiSortable  is working in some version and $(this).data().Sortable is working in older version . So how to handle this in plugins

  1.             this.element.find(".edit_component").sortable({
                    connectWith: ".edit_component",
                    opacity: .35,
                    handle: ".drag",
                    receive: function (ev, ui) {
                        var $target = $(this).data().uiSortable.currentItem;
                        var $source = $(ui.sender);
                        // now you can copy data from source to target

B L Praveen
Web Developer