Jquery UI Tabs and cookie option problem

Jquery UI Tabs and cookie option problem

I change jquery and jquery ui to the last version (1.4.4 and 1.8.6) and i noticed a problem with tabs that have a cookie option set.
The tabs don't load the ajax content and with opera the error reported is the following :

 Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'b.cookie' to object
Error thrown at line 381, column 633 in <anonymous function: _cookie>():
    return b.cookie.apply(null,[d].concat(b.makeArray(arguments)))
called from line 384, column 388 in <anonymous function: _tabify>(d):
called from line 380, column 873 in <anonymous function: _create>():
called from line 21, column 108 in <anonymous function: _createWidget>(e, a):
called from line 19, column 66 in <anonymous function>(j, n):
called from line 20, column 298 in <anonymous function>():
    n?n.option(d||{})._init():b.data(this,e,new a(d,this))
called via Function.prototype.call() from unknown location in <anonymous function: each>(j, s, v) in https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js:
    /* no source available */
called from line 26, column 742 in <anonymous function: each>(j, s) in https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js:
    return b.each(this,j,s)
called from line 20, column 0 in <anonymous function>(d):
    h?this.each(function(){var n=b.data(this,e),q=n&&b.isFunction(n[d])?n[d].apply(n,i):n;if(q!==n&&q!==c){j=q;return false}}):this.each(function(){var n=b.data(this,e);n?n.option(d||{})._init():b.data(this,e,new a(d,this))});
called from line 31, column 8 in <anonymous function>():

This behaviour wasn't present with 1.4.2 and 1.8.

At this moment, i have only two choices :
- unset the cookie options
- reverse to 1.4.2 and 1.8

Best regards.