jQuery UI Tabs to Accordion Conflict
Been writing about it
here . I am using jQuery UI tabs for desktop and want it to convert to an Accordion display for tablets and mobile devices. The
Easy responsive Tabs to Accordion script I am using is showing the first accordion opened and styling is OK, but the arrow down does not trigger the proper adding of active tab to the accordion in question so the display stays none instead of block and the content remains hidden.
I was wondering if there is a way to unbind or stop uit-tabs from adding classes to the tabs when the screen size is 1000px or less so the accordion scripts hopefully starts working and adding the proper class and style display block when accordion tab is active. I need to stop the newly added script from conflicting with the desktop display of ui-tabs.
Current site example of page with tabs is
here with ui-tabs and without responsive resizing for smaller screen sizes with accordion - been working on this locally.
Any suggestions to move to accordion for 1000px or less or to make the current setup work are very welcome!