jquery.validate - fade out highlight/unhighlight valid classes after time period

jquery.validate - fade out highlight/unhighlight valid classes after time period


I am using jquery-validate 1.16.0 with query 1.12.4 and jquery-migrate 1.4.1 and am wondering if someone can please help me. Disclaimer: I am not a programmer so please go easy on me :)

I have got a nice highlight/unhighlight function happening to either add/remove the error/valid classes on the grandparent div of checkboxes as well as on the text inputs. This works nicely at the moment and can be seen below:

  1.         highlight: function (element,errorClass,validClass) {
                var options = $(element).parents('.row.options');
                if (options.length) {
                } else {
            unhighlight: function (element,errorClass,validClass) {
                var options = $(element).parents('.row.options');
                if (options.length) {
                } else {

I have got a fiddle setup here.

Is there a way to remove (fade out would be nice if possible) the valid / valid 2 classes set by the highlight/unhighlight functions after a time period, say 3 seconds?

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help.
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