jQuery Validate with jQuery Credit Card Validator

jQuery Validate with jQuery Credit Card Validator

I am having some problems trying to use the jQuery validator plugin along side the jQuery credit card validator ( http://jquerycreditcardvalidator.com). The problem I am having with my code is after my initial form submit that uses a credit card that is not accepted, going back to the form to correct the credit card, the form is being submitted after every key up event.

What I am looking for is when a user inputs a credit card that is not of an accepted type, show an alert box to the user stating this to the user. The user should be able to update their credit card to one of the accepted type and click the submit button again where the validation would run again and submit the form.

Here is my code, I posted on GitHub's gist:  https://gist.github.com/demonicpagan/12da4820a68a6a4bf5b88e140ffe7e37

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.