JQuery Validation on input type file

JQuery Validation on input type file

Greetings to the group
I have JQuery successfully running on my site, but I have a slight problem with the validation on an input type file. Here is my code:
$.validator.addMethod("uploadFile", function(val, element) {
var ext = $('.uploadFile').val().split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
var allow = new Array('gif','png','jpg','jpeg');
if(jQuery.inArray(ext, allow) == -1) {
    document.getElementById("imgHolder").src= "product_small.jpg"
   return false
    document.getElementById("imgHolder").src= "282116628.jpg"
    return true
}, "File trype error");
<input type="file" class="uploadFile"/>

    rules : {
        accept: { uploadFile: true }

Everything works fine, I was wondering if it is possible to have the validation on the element be carried out as soon as the user has selected their file, at the moment it does the validation as soon as I take focus away from the element. The senario would be the user clicks on Browse, they select their file to upload, and at this point when the windows widget has closed down the validation would kick in, without having to click outside the element and loose focus.
With thanks in advance