jQuery Validation Plugin - 'Cannot read property 'type' of undefined '-error, when DOM element is not on the page.

jQuery Validation Plugin - 'Cannot read property 'type' of undefined '-error, when DOM element is not on the page.

To validate if the form data is correct, I send the data via AJAX to a Web API. When the entered data is invalid, a list of error results are send back to the client.
I'm using the jQuery Validation Plugin 'showError' method to map the error results to the right DOM elements.
Some times the Web API can send back more error results then there are DOM elements on the page, in this case the 'showErrors' method will throw an error ('Cannot read property 'type' of undefined').

It would be nice if the 'showErrors' method would just skip the element/error mapping if it cannot a find the DOM element on the page.

Is this by design or a bug? Will this be fixed or is there a workaround? Or am I doing something wrong and is there another way to achieve the same thing.