jquery validation remote error messages

jquery validation remote error messages

hey guys, i'm trying to find out if when making a remote connection in my validation, is it possible to return cusom error messages?

here is the code i'm using at the moment.

  1. $("#reg-form").validate({
            rules: {
                email_address: {
                    required: true,
                    remote: {
                        url: "localhost/validate/email_address",
                        type: "post",
                        data: {
                            email_address: function() {
                              return $("#email_address").val();
  2.       }
  3. });

now when connected to localhost/validate/email_address i want it to return different error messages depending on the constraint.

ie. my php method

  1.     public function validate_email_address()
            $request       = $this->get_request();
            $email_address = $request->post()->email_address;
            if ($request->is_ajax() && !empty($email_address))
                $email = new Email_Address(array(
                    'value' => $email_address
                $user = $this->get_model('user:users');
                if (!$email->is_valid())
                    echo 'Invalid email address';
                else if ($user->email_address_registered($email_address))
                    echo 'Email address already registered';
                    echo 'true';
                // 404 error

is this possible please?...if so how?

thank you