[jQuery] Very Challenging (Drop-Drag) Text Resize Scroller

[jQuery] Very Challenging (Drop-Drag) Text Resize Scroller

Hello everyone, I am in the process of creating a Text Resize Scroller
for my employer.
I have the skin created which consists of a background image that
looks like a stretched out
Less than symbol “<” with a vertical rectangular handle to scroll left
and right to make the text grow
Or shrink.
Here is what I had in mind.
First set variables
Var 1. current text size
Var 2 . how much to increment the text size when dragged to the
next area of the scroller
Var 3. scroller snap in areas (so we know how much to scroll by
when the user drags the mouse)
Set a function to do drop and drag
Set snap in areas of incrementing and de incrementing the handle of
the scroller
Depending on where the handle came from should tell the function to
either grow the text or shrink the text
If that isn’t tricky enough, when the user has selected the text size
they want they click the save button.
The save button then needs to dynamically change the css
media=”print” so when the user prints the webpage
The user will see the larger print they chose on the webpage.
To dynamically change the css for the media=”print” I was thinking of
just doing a <style type=”css/text”> at the
Top and use JQuery to access these attributes and change the text
Any help on getting the idea down will be great. I know many of us are
up for a great challenge and when this
Script is done and in working order I will post the final script and
images so everyone can use it.