Jquery with Dynatree default selected tree child.

Jquery with Dynatree default selected tree child.


 I have created  one tree structure using dynatree(jquery.dynatree.js),on left side of my screen. Now  my requirement is to  display  one particular  child  from the tree as selected. And at the same time once use clicks other tree nodes/ child that selection should change. Can anyone suggest as how to make  that particular child selected  on page load.

I  tried below  logic:

$(document).ready( function() {
 The aboce code makes  the element  (<li  id="tabs-1_li"><a href="#tabs-1">Project</a></li>>)selected on page load. But when I click  some other element on the tree  the default selected  tree element remains selected,Show I can see two selected tree item in selected state,which is wrong. Need  help to resolve.