jquerymobile multiple pages in seprate html

jquerymobile multiple pages in seprate html


im new to jquerymobile and trying to set up a website.
I would love to use seperate files for some pages.
so i set up a index.html with a menu linking to some internal pages and some seprate html files.

when i navigate to a page in a separate html file, the first page in this html loads correct, but if this seperate html also consists of sevral pages, links to those internal pages dont work. when i refresh this second html the links to the internal pages do work again?

to explain a bit more, my test looks like this

   content main : with menu to 3 internal pages and a link to page2.html
   content test1
   content test2
   content test3

   content page2main : with menu to 3 internal pages
   content page2test1
   content page2test2
   content page2test3

so when i load index.html i can navigate to test1/test2/test3 and back, no problem. when i navigate to page2.html by clicking on the link in the menu, page2.html loads and looks good. but when i click on the links to page2test1/page2test2/page2test3 nothing happens!! when i reload/refresh page2.html then all links work again.

Is it possible to have a working site setup with seprate html files containing multiple internal pages?

hope you understand and can help me.
