jshint errors

jshint errors

I noticed jQuery UI's .jshintrc file, and decided to run JSHint to check for potential bugs:

  1. $ jshint .
  2. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 5, col 31, Strings must use doublequote.
  3. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 5, col 26, ['ar'] is better written in dot notation.
  4. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 6, col 27, Strings must use doublequote.
  5. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 7, col 33, Strings must use doublequote.
  6. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 8, col 33, Strings must use doublequote.
  7. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 9, col 29, Strings must use doublequote.
  8. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 10, col 36, Strings must use doublequote.
  9. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 10, col 44, Strings must use doublequote.
  10. ...
  11. ui\jquery.ui.tabs.js: line 27, col 33, 'location' is not defined.
  12. ui\jquery.ui.tabs.js: line 105, col 28, 'location' is not defined.
  13. ui\jquery.ui.tabs.js: line 845, col 5, 'jQuery' is not defined.

  14. ui\jquery.ui.tooltip.js: line 402, col 4, 'jQuery' is not defined.

  15. ui\jquery.ui.widget.js: line 524, col 5, 'jQuery' is not defined.

  16. 7874 errors
Should we refactor the code, or perhaps modify .jshintrc/.jshintignore to hide some of these warnings?