JSON RPC and a mobile jQuery

JSON RPC and a mobile jQuery

I have been listening to the jQuery podcasts (official and yayquery)
and I am really excited about all the potential stuff that is to come
in January. Of those many things I am extremely interested in the new
developments regarding a mobile version of jQuery. As far as I
understand, a mobile version of jQuery is likely going to become a
reality by removing unnecessary logic (such as that related to a
mouse) and adding features pertinent to mobile platforms (such as tap
events). Being a primarily mobile developer and a real geek for
anything JavaScript, I have to ask where the mobile version spec is
coming together and how I, as a community member, can contribute? As
you can tell by the title of this post, one feature I would love to
help spec out is a JSON RPC implementation to extend the .ajax
functionality in jQuery. Due to the sandbox limitations in
conventional JavaScript, cross domain posting (practically the essence
of any RPC) is only a pipe dream left for future ECMA specs. However,
in the mobile realm (such as with Palm's new Mojo API and Nokia's WRT)
there are no cross-domain limitations. As a result, doors are wide
open to really cool possibilities in posting JSON commands and
receiving JSON responses. With all this hype flying around about
JavaScript servers (i.e. Node.js) I really think it is a novel and
worthwhile idea to have client and server speak the same language and
communicate using an intermediary that they both natively support. Can
I get an amen?
-Jon Azoff