jspdf autotable blank cell
i m using jsPDF auto table plugin
i need to set null in the cell while printing on pdf where html table contain  
here is code but its not inserting null
- <script>
function generate() {
var doc = new jsPDF('l', 'mm', "a4");
var res = doc.autoTableHtmlToJson(document.getElementById("printJS-form"));
// doc.autoTable(res.columns, res.data, { margin: { top: 80 } });
var header = function (data) {
// doc.setTextColor(0);
//doc.setFillColor(110, 214, 84);
// doc.setFontSize(0)
// doc.
//doc.addImage(headerImgData, 'JPEG', data.settings.margin.left, 20, 50, 50);
// doc.text("Testing Report", data.settings.margin.left, 50);
var options = {
tableWidth: 'wrap',
didDrawPage: header,
margin: {
top: 10,
bottom: 40,
left: 1,
right: 1,
//width: 120
//bodyStyles: {
// text: { minCellWidth: '10' }
columnStyles: {
0: { cellWidth: 15 }, //frequency
1: { cellWidth: 22}, //task name
2: { cellWidth: 8.5 }, // shift
3: { cellWidth: 10.5}, //range
4: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
5: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
6: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
7: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
8: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
9: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
10: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
11: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
12: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
13: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
14: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
15: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
16: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
17: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
18: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
19: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
20: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
21: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
22: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
23: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
24: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
25: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
26: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
27: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
28: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
29: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
30: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
31: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
32: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
33: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
34: { cellWidth: 7.2 },
// etc
tableWidth: 'auto',
headStyles: { minCellHeight: 8, fontSize: 6.5, text: { minCellWidth: 'wrap' } },
bodyStyles: {
minCellHeight: 8, fontSize: 6.5,
margin: {
top: 10,
bottom: 40,
left: 1,
//width: 120
minCellWidth: 'auto'
// startY: doc.autoTableEndPosY() + 20
//doc.autoTable(res.columns, res.data, options);
doc.autoTable(res.columns, res.data, options, {
tableLineColor: [189, 195, 199],
createdCell: function(cell, data) {
if (!cell.raw) {
cell.text = 'erum';
//var tdElement = cell.raw;
//if (tdElement.classList.contains('blank')) {
// cell.text = 'erum'
//if (typeof cell.raw === 'undefined')
// cell.raw.text = "erum";
//styles: {
// overflow: 'linebreak', columnWidth: 'wrap', font: 'arial',
// fontSize: 10,
// cellPadding: 8, overflowColumns: 'linebreak'
- <td class="blank" style="width:4rem;padding:0rem!important;text-align: center;border:0px;color: black;max-width:4rem;">