Lazy Load XT jQuery plugin

Lazy Load XT jQuery plugin

We have released new jQuery plugin for lazy loading of images and videos. There are several similar plugins exist (starting from original Lazy Load plugin by Mika Tuupola), but our one has following advantages:

1. In the simplest case it works out of the box without additional manual initialization. Just include script file on your page and rename src attribute to data-src.

2. It supports jQuery Mobile framework and it is AJAX-compatible in general: elements removed from DOM are correctly removed from internal cache of "lazy" elements (most of other plugins have memory leaks in the case of AJAX navigation).

3. Supports <video> tags and iframe-embedded videos ( YouTube, Vimeo, etc. ).

4. Extendable, there are some examples in description on GitHub and in repository's /src directory: spinner and fade-in effects, responsive images, load all elements if user starts to print page, etc.

The plugin may be used both with jQuery and Zepto.  Currently tested in most of desktop (IE 6-11, Chrome 1-31, Firefox 1.5-27.0, Safari 3-7, Opera 10.6-18.0) and mobile (iOS 5-7, Android 2.3-4.4, WP8) browsers .

Any feedback is welcome.