light box and equalize size is not working simultaneously

light box and equalize size is not working simultaneously

Dear All

Lightbox popup working fine

but ,

following JQUERY code at the bottom of the php code does not work

In short code to equalize height doesnot work with light box

pls help

  1. script type="text/javascript">
  2. $(document).ready(function() { 
  3. alert("XX"); // i had kept this alert to check whether this part of jquery is executed
  4. $.fn.delay = function(time, callback){
  5.     // Empty function:
  6.     jQuery.fx.step.delay = function(){};
  7.     // Return meaningless animation, (will be added to queue)
  8.     return this.animate({delay:1}, time, callback);
  9. }
  10. var maxHeight=0; 
  11. $('.imageblock').each(function() {  
  12.     maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, $(this).height()); 
  13.  }).height(maxHeight);

  15. });
  16. </script>