List view from JSON open in InApp Browser

List view from JSON open in InApp Browser

Hey all,

I use JSON to list the latest posts from my website in listview for jquery mobile in a iPhone app that uses phonegap. 

When the user clicks the link I want it to open in the InApp browser of phonegap but cannot get it to work!!

The .ajax call is working and a list is being created with the <a> links. Below is the bit that isn't working even though it's similar to a button example that does work on my app elsewhere 

This does NOT work: 

$('#datasales').append("<li><a href='#' data-role='button' onClick=''"+ item.url +"', '_blank', 'location=yes');return false;'>" + item.title_plain + "</a></li>");

Even though this does:

<li><a href="#" onClick="'','_blank','location=yes');return false;">FaceBook<span class="ui-li-count">$1,000</span></a></li>

 I don't get it :(

What am I doing wrong?
    • Topic Participants

    • ben.d