Listview doubleclick and scroll problem

Listview doubleclick and scroll problem

Hi all,

I have some problem in listview with more items after double click on item are opened 2 pages. In listview with more items (must be shown scroll bar) and you scroll down and double click on some item on bottom. After double click is opened first page and second page which responds on second click (typicaly is item on the top lisview).

You can demonstrate this problem in this jquerymobile page ( listviews). Scroll down on this page you must see on browser top for example last 4 items ("Inset lists with forms", "Collapsible lists", "List performance test", "Theming lists"). Try double click on item "Theming lists". After double click you open page "Theming list" but you open page "List basics & API" too (opening this page is dependent on mouse position). 

Do you have a solution to resolve this problem, maybe disabling double click or some better solution? 

Thank you