Listview slide menu doesn't always refresh to top

Listview slide menu doesn't always refresh to top


I have a mobile site with a bottom menu bar. Two of the buttons on that menu call a slider listview menu. If the page I'm currently on is scrolled down when I click one of those two buttons, the listview menu slides in but it is also scrolled down so I can only see the bottom of the menu.

Here is the site:

It doesn't do this on all pages. Some pages (such as "Photos") work great. But on the News page for example, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, then click the "More" button at the bottom menu bar, the listview menu slides in and you only see part of it.

Can anyone point me in a direction I need to look to correct this so the slider menu defaults or refreshes to the top? I feel like I've tried everything...

Thank you SO MUCH in advance for any assistance!!! :)