listview trigger('create') not working with jasmine-jquery mobile.

listview trigger('create') not working with jasmine-jquery mobile.

I have developed an app with jquery-mobile. Now I am trying to setup a jasmine framework for it.

In original code, I am creating a listview dynamically. After appending items to `ul.list`, I 
am calling `ul.list.listview('refresh');`
This is working as expected in main app. 

I have added different UTs, to check behavior of different events on this list. So every time I am calling populate function to load this list.
The general structure of my jasmine code is:

    describe("List behavior", function() {
            var obj = new listObj({});

        it("should ...", function() {

        it("should ...", function() {

        it("should ...", function() {


Code for populate method is 

    this.populate = function(somelist) {

When the line comes 'listview('refresh')', it gives error as `Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on listview prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh' ` 
though I am creating listview before each test execution. And then all my succeding tests fail.

Things I tried and their results :
1. I tried just assigning `'ui-listview'` to the `ul.list`, and not creating listview. Still it didn't work.

2. I tried `$('ul.list').listview()`, it gives error as `TypeError: Cannot read property 'jQuery110203482820538338274' of undefined`. But this assigns required class to the ul.

Can any one suggest me some workaround so that I can execute all tests without this error?