Listview with collapsable listview inside

Listview with collapsable listview inside

HI guys,

I've been experimenting around with the listview but can't seem to find a good solution for the following issue.
Maybe one of you guys knows a solution, else I need to submit it as an new idea.

I have the following list:

   * Country 1 (inside should be collapsed)
     * City 1
     * City 2
     * City 3
   * Country 2  (inside should be collapsed)
     * City x

I've implemented it as a listview, since that gives me some nice features like the search (data-filter).
But the trouble starts with the nested ones. Since 1.3.0 nested is deprecated (and it never worked like it should have).

My current workaround is listview + collapsable + listview, but that gives al sorts of issues (like double search-bars, broken layouts etc.).

 What would be the suggested way to implement this?

Many thanks!