listviewbeforefilter autocomplete functionality on an input text?

listviewbeforefilter autocomplete functionality on an input text?

I posted a question yesterday on that subject. I tried to make it as concise as possible, but maybe too much; I got 28 views and no suggestions :-( So, I will try to re-formulate the issue I am trying to solve.

Although I am a newbie to JQuery Mobile, and light on Javascript, I _do_ have a JQM functional application running off AWS. The user can generate high quality graphics by entering/selecting appropriate parameters through a combination of checkboxes, select, input texts, etc... in a form. It all works fine.

My current issue: Users need to enter in one of the input text a code that is sometimes not obvious to know. The ideal way to solve it would be to emulate the listviewbeforefilter autocomplete functionality as shown on the Remote Autocomplete page. The user starts to type 1 or more characters, a pull-down pops up and shows the different possibilities (i.e. descriptions that can be easily understood), and upon clicking an entry the actual code is plugged into the input text. The user can then submit the request.

_My_ understanding is that the listviewbeforefilter autocomplete functionality works only with ... a listview. Is that right?

What I have been able to do is to have _two_ fields: The <UL> listview where the search can be done, and the input text. When the user does a search on the listview, and makes a selection, my Javascript plugs the code into the input text. This is ugly. I want only  one field.

Am I missing something? What I may try to do if I get no suggestions is to change the input text to a hidden field. That way I would have only one visible field, the listview.

Two additional pieces of info:
- I use 1.3.1 latest and greatest
- I use a remote autocomplete: I access a remote database with a callback function. I can extract description and code to build the <LI>. It is working beautifully.

Hopefully, I am explaining this better this time.
