.live() not binding events consistently

.live() not binding events consistently

Hi All,
I'm using .live() to bind events to forms returned by AJAX requests.
    $('#TB_ajaxContent form').live("submit",function(){
return false;
This is used with thickbox and jquery.form to allow each returned form
to be used to make AJAX POSTs. It all seemed to be working fine but
I've found that it doesn't seem to work on all machines. I've tested
it using Firefox 3.0.5 (Mac and Windows) and Safari 3.2 (Windows) and
it works fine, but isn't triggered on the same machine using IE8 beta
2 as well as IE6 through Virtual PC. Other people have reported it not
working in Firefox 3.0.5 on their machines but working fine in Safari
In each case I have waited sufficient time to ensure that all page
activity has completed before proceeding.
Andrew Ingram