$.livequery.registerPlugin() doesn't work?

$.livequery.registerPlugin() doesn't work?

I'm trying to register a simple plugin with livequery, but it
doesn't work as expected.
Code snippet:
$.fn.confirm = function() {
this.click(function() {
return window.confirm("Are you sure you want to " +
this.innerHTML.toLowerCase() + "?");
if ($.livequery) {

<a href="#" class="delete">Delete</a>

<a href="#" class="ajax">Ajax apend</a>

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

<a href="#" class="delete">Delete</

return false;
Any idea, why it's not working? TIA
<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/