Load external "page" with json data, in a popup.

Load external "page" with json data, in a popup.

Hi everyone!
I'm new to jQuery Mobile, and this s what I would achieve. 
I have some data in a  json  file, that are the infos about a person,like name, surname, age etc.
I wrote some code to render it in a external page (like infos.html), now I would open this "page" in a popup in a  multipage-site (different pages called in ajax).
When open the popup: I need to open the popup when the user click on the name of a person and I've to show the infos about that person. 
In facts:  I have 3 people (it's simplified, I have 30+ people) called Ryan, Luke and Mike. When I click on Ryan I must see the Ryan's popup, when click Luke I must see Luke's popup etc.