Long keypress errors in input text fields

Long keypress errors in input text fields


im working on a mobile app with jquery mobile 1.4.0 and phonegap.
The application itself works, but i have a problem with text input fields:

Normally you can press a key on the keypad longer, to get the special-letter or number above of the same key.
- Longpress "q" to get "1"
- Longpress "w" to get "2"
- Longpress "e" to get "3"

But on my mobile device such a longpress fires allways both signs, like
- "q" AND a few milliseconds later "1" so i get "q1"
- "w" AND a few milliseconds later "2" so i get "w2"
- "e" AND a few milliseconds later "3" so i get "e3"

I tested with
  1.       $.event.special.tap.emitTapOnTaphold = true;
and with
  1.       $.event.special.tap.emitTapOnTaphold = false;
both without any consequence.

Does anyone know about such a similar problem?
Is it a jquery mobile problem, a phonegap-problem, android-sdk-problem?

In which way do i have to search for solutions?
Anny suggestions?


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