Logout icon for the JQuery Mobile project

Logout icon for the JQuery Mobile project

I downloaded and modified the 4 image sprites that hold the icons for the JQuery Mobile project to include a logout icon, attached to this post. To use them the way the other icons are used you need to add these to your css.
Note: there are 4 files but it would only let me upload three - see the first comment below for the 18-black file.
(The black files are the same as the white ones with their colors inverted. To make the 18 pixel version of the file, you cannot just shrink the whole 36 pixel file, it will mess up the positioning of the other icons.)

      ui-icon-logout{background-position:-792px 50%}

@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),only screen and (min-resolution:240dpi){.ui-icon-plus,.ui-icon-minus,.ui-icon-delete,.ui-icon-arrow-r,.ui-icon-arrow-l,.ui-icon-arrow-u,.ui-icon-arrow-d,.ui-icon-check,.ui-icon-gear,.ui-icon-refresh,.ui-icon-forward,.ui-icon-back,.ui-icon-grid,.ui-icon-star,.ui-icon-alert,.ui-icon-info,.ui-icon-home,.ui-icon-search,.ui-icon-searchfield:after,.ui-icon-checkbox-off,.ui-icon-checkbox-on,.ui-icon-radio-off,.ui-icon-radio-on,.ui-icon-logout{background-image:url(/graphics/icons-36-white.png);-moz-background-size:810px 18px;-o-background-size:810px 18px;-webkit-background-size:810px 18px;background-size:810px 18px}

(added logout to the list and changed the image size to 810px)