Looking for input - Contextual Encoding for jQuery

Looking for input - Contextual Encoding for jQuery

Heya all -

I have created a new plugin to enable jQuery developers to use contextual encoding in their rich client applications. I am an Application Security Engineer, project leader for the Enterprise Security API (Java and Javascript) and projects committee member at OWASP. This is an area that has been called out time and again as a problem child, something that there isn't an easy answer to.

So I have written a plugin to try and solve this problem, and I am reaching out to the community of plugin developers to comment on my work. This is the first jquery plugin that I have written, so I am definately looking for recommendations on places that I could better perform a function using jquery - as well as verifying my javascript itself is sound.

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions that you could throw my way, so without further ado here are links for your perusal:

Documentation (in progress)

Plugin Source:

Usable minified version: