`make lint` fails in HEAD (d6f03aa0df4f734f6f09bf82effa5b7fcd8487fc)

`make lint` fails in HEAD (d6f03aa0df4f734f6f09bf82effa5b7fcd8487fc)

I just tried building jQuery with 'make' (make all) but this fails because 'make lint' fails with the following errors:

% make lint Grabbing external dependencies... 
Building selector code from Sizzle 
Building ./dist/jquery.js 
Checking jQuery against JSLint... 
}; var rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, 
Problem at line 4007 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon. 
Problem at line 6308 character 25: Too many errors. (99% scanned). 
js: uncaught JavaScript runtime exception: TypeError: Cannot read property "reason" from null make: *** [lint] Error 3

This occurs in the current HEAD revision, d6f03aa0df4f734f6f09bf82effa5b7fcd8487fc.