Making read-only list elements consistent with clickable ones?

Making read-only list elements consistent with clickable ones?

I'm often presenting a list in which some elements are clickable options, and some are not.  (I want to present the same list each time, but in some cases, a particular option is not available.)

That used to work pretty well, the lines would all look about the same, but if an entry had no link, it would not get an icon, and not be clickable.  But now the entry styling is applied only to li's that have a link.  Other li's are left completely bare - they just get theme styling.  Unfortunately, an "active link li" is built up out of some complexity, not simply by theming.  I don't want to hardcode the additional divs needed, since it might change.

I tried the obvious workaround - I added a link with href="#".  The trouble with that is that it forces the creation of an icon. (>) by default.  So now my li looks like it can be clicked.

I'd like a way to get the same styling for all my list entries, whether they are all active or not. (Minus the thing that *really* means "active link" - the icon.)

    • Topic Participants

    • jj

    • jh